Test for the rapid detection of rotavirus in feces. HeberFast Line® Rotavirus is a simple, fast and reliable method. It is a qualitative immunochromatographic reactive strip, with high sensitivity and specificity to detect group A rotavirus or its antigens in fecal samples. HeberFast Line® Rotavirus offers the result in only 10 to 15 minutes.
- Case containing 24 test strips, individually packaged in aluminium bags together with a desiccant sachet and a bottle with 25 mL of extraction solution. Each kit contains 25 cotton applicators for the collection and dilution of stool samples, and instructions for use.
- Case containing 50 test strips, packaged in 10 aluminium bags, each containing 5 test strips and a desiccant sachet. Each kit contains 2 vials each containing 25 mL of extraction solution; a nylon zippered bag to store unused strips immediately after opening the aluminum bag; 50 cotton applicators for collection and dilution of stool samples; and instructions for use.
Additional materials required
- 5 mL reaction tubes: one tube for each test.
- Rack for reaction tubes
- Pipette to dispense 1 mL
- Gloves
The reagents and components of the HeberFast Line® Rotavirus test are stable until the expiration date printed on the label, if maintained at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. Do not freeze.
The extraction solution is stable until the original expiration date, after the bottle containing it has been opened, if kept at 2 to 8 °C in its original, tightly closed container.
Strips not used immediately after opening the sealed aluminium bag should be stored at 2 to 8 °C in the nylon zippered bag supplied with the desiccant sachet for a maximum of 7 days. After this time, unused strips should be discarded.
HeberFast Line® Rotavirus is recommended for the detection of group A rotavirus or its antigens in stool samples.
The test HeberFast Line® Rotavirus is based on the use of two specific monoclonal antibodies against the VP6 protein, which is the majority of the rotavirus group A capsid. VP6 is the most commonly used antigen in commercially available immunoassays.
By inserting the end of the test strip into the stool sample diluted with the extraction solution, this dilution begins to move through the results window; the viral antigens react with the colloidal gold-labeled monoclonal antibody, and an antigen-antibody complex forms. This immunocomplex migrates by capillarity to the test strip result window, and reacts with a second anti-VP6 monoclonal antibody attached to the nitrocellulose membrane, and a first horizontal coloured line is formed (positive line).
In the absence of viral antigens in the sample, this positive line does not form.
The excess conjugate not trapped in the positive line continues to move and is captured in the solid phase in which a second coloured horizontal line is formed (control line). This control line is formed with all samples, regardless of whether they have rotavirus or not, as a demonstration that the reagents have functioned correctly.