Test for early pregnancy diagnosis, HeberFast Line® MaterniTest II is a simple, fast and reliable method to do at home.
It is a qualitative immunochromatographic test strip with specific monoclonal antibodies against the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and colloidal gold as a marker, to be immersed in a urine sample, from the first day of absence of menstruation.
HeberFast Line® MaterniTest II displays the result in just 5-10 minutes. It offers more than 99% accuracy.
Case with an aluminum bag containing a test strip and a desiccant bag for the preservation of the test.
Store in its original closed container in refrigeration (2 to 16 ° C) or at room temperature (2 to 30 ° C). Do not freeze. Do not expose to direct sunlight, extreme humidity or heat.
HeberFast Line® Maternitest II is recommended for detecting the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine of a pregnant woman (positive result) from the first day of missing menstruation, in more than 99% of the pregnancies studied . It does not detect it (negative result) in the same proportion of the non-pregnant women studied.
HeberFast Line® MaterniTest II is a qualitative immunochromatographic test strip with specific monoclonal antibodies that detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine of a pregnant woman. This hormone begins to be produced a few days after an egg is fertilized. The test is capable of detecting it in the urine, from the first day of absence of menstruation, with more than 99% accuracy. This hormone is captured through the use of very specific reagents, fixed on the strip.
During the time of the test, a line forms (called a positive line), which only appears if the urine contains hCG and the woman is pregnant. These same reagents form a second line (called the control line) that appears whenever the test is performed correctly, regardless of the presence of hCG in the urine; that is, in all urine samples.