Author(s): Stephannie Lozano
Credits: Photos: Adrián Macías
2023-11-06 16:38 Life sciences

With the purpose of exchanging knowledge and techniques that strengthen their capabilities in cancer treatments, researchers and postgraduate students in the biotechnology and biomedical area of Mexico, Cuba and Spain recently began two training activities in the cities of Madrid and Logroño, Spain.
The participants belong to the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE), located in Mexico, the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) of Cuba, and the Center for Biomedical Research of La Rioja (CIBIR), Spain, institutions that make up the INNOCANCER Triangular Cooperation Alliance, an Initiative that has the support of the Adelante Window of the European Union.

With the purpose of exchanging knowledge and techniques that strengthen their capabilities in cancer treatments, researchers and postgraduate students in the biotechnology and biomedical area of Mexico, Cuba and Spain recently began two training activities in the cities of Madrid and Logroño, Spain.
They thus began an internship at the CIBIR facilities in Logroño, for which they programmed a series of experiments focused on comparing molecules that can inhibit angiogenesis and, thereby, prevent the growth of cancerous tumors.
Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels in the body. In the case of cancerous tumors, this allows the tumor to nourish and grow. In this Alliance, CICESE participates as a Beneficiary entity, which is why it seeks to mature its technological levels, known as TRL for its acronym in English, based on the academic exchange with the CIGB and the CIBIR, the first and second Offering entities in the Initiative, respectively.
Those participating in this international research group also had the opportunity to attend the ESMO 2023 congress, organized by the European Society of Medical Oncology – and the largest in its field -, with the aim of getting closer to the needs and interests of the market doctor.
Three regions, three realities
“The three research groups work on new therapies for cancer, more specifically, on vaccines,” mentioned Dr. Alfredo Martínez, CIBIR researcher, during the introductory meeting of the internship attended by researchers, technicians and students. of the institutions.
“At CICESE they are capable of developing solid basic science, but they are interested in taking it to pre-clinical levels. In this we support the Bidding entities of Cuba and Spain,” mentioned the researcher.
Dr. Alexei Licea, researcher at the Department of Biomedical Innovation at CICESE and director of innovation at this center, who is the coordinator of the Mexico group at INNOCANCER, pointed out that at CICESE they have developed some molecules to inhibit angiogenesis, and that the center’s capabilities are sufficient to carry out proof of concept of molecules, but they want to increase the level. He added that “Cuba has the entire path developed, from the idea to the commercialization of a product, while the Logroño group has reached levels 6 and 7 of TRL”, out of a total of nine levels.
After a first evaluation of the capabilities of each institution, carried out by the researchers last September in Varadero, Cuba, they realized that at CICESE they will be able to carry out various analyzes since it stands out for having infrastructure and personnel specialized in cancer models, such as bone metastasis due to breast cancer, which they do not perform in Cuba and Spain.
“Although the CIGB and the CIBIR participate as Offering entities, the CICESE is not the only beneficiary, here we all win when we exchange knowledge,” mentioned Dr. Yanelys Morera, researcher at the CIGB.
In the case of CIGB and CICESE, their academic interaction dates back a few years due to the development of similar molecules and the exchange of graduate students between both institutions. “Given the coincidence between these groups, in the internship we have the opportunity to compare molecules with a similar target or therapeutic strategies,” mentioned the researcher.

Control of angiogenesis as a treatment strategy
Using molecules that inhibit angiogenesis, that is, block the formation of new blood vessels, is a strategy that, although it does not eliminate cancer, does prevent new tumors from forming. Thus, only the primary remains and is not dispersed throughout the body, explained Dr. Morera.

“CIBIR has a large number of methodologies to measure the inhibition of angiogenesis, so we are going to train ourselves in these methodologies that can be carried out using cells or in vivo in mice, and see that new blood vessels or tumors do not really form” , shared Dr. Licea.
The researchers assured that this strategy applies only to solid tumors, and that at this stage they will work with melanoma, colon and breast cancer.
“In addition, we will have the experience that the CIBIR has knowledge of a subcutaneous model, which will be our preparation to insert ourselves into the breast cancer model, but already at the metastasis level,” said Dr. Morera.
And she shared: “We (in Cuba) are in clinical trials (of vaccines), but research never dies, you always have to go to the base because it opens the perspective to new therapeutic products, because the better you know it, you can adjust the treatments,” she said.
They hope that, based on CICESE’s experience in its technological maturation route, it will be possible to document the theoretical and experimental training so that the critical route will be useful to other institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Another great benefit of the project is the training of postgraduate students, since they also participate in the exchange of knowledge of the Initiative, and will be able to co-direct their thesis projects, as well as scientific publications.
In addition to the internship in Logroño, the researchers and students participated in the ESMO 2023 conference, held in Madrid, attended by more than 33 thousand people from 155 countries. At this academic meeting, they presented their research projects through scientific posters. Being an event in the medical area, this activity was relevant for the researchers because it allowed them to get closer to the interest of the medical market.
Dr. Morera assured that: “this activity was important to raise awareness on other clinical issues, to know what the challenges of equitable access to medicines are, what type of treatments we should direct to not only do precision medicine, but, for issues economic and geographic, the medicines we develop are accessible to the people who need them.

Responses to new challenges come from all corners of the world
The Ventana ADELANTE work team shared that this Initiative is very consistent with the principles of horizontality and complementarity between partners. INNOCANCER highlights that the participating entities are scientific references in each of their countries, which guarantees this complementarity.
On the other hand, the Initiative is consistent with the priorities of the European Union and the Forward Window within the framework of the “European Year of Skills”, generating competencies in the member entities, they added.
Regarding the importance of supporting science and technological innovation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, they pointed out that, together with its member countries, the European Union adopted the European Consensus on Development in 2017, as part of its response to the United Nations Agenda 2030. United Nations for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The consensus defines the shared vision and the framework of action for development cooperation. In accordance with the principle of universality of this common commitment, the European Union is convinced that the answers to the new development challenges come from all corners of the world.
This Triangular Cooperation Alliance has a general budget of 153,658 euros and contributes to four of the SDGs: the third, Health and well-being; the ninth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; the tenth, aimed at reducing inequalities, and the seventeenth, dedicated to creating alliances to achieve the objectives. In total, this Initiative consists of seven activities that are carried out already in 2023 and will conclude in 2024.

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